I'm Back To KP!

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Finally. I reached UTM in front of U5 at about 7++p.m. It's really hard to let Raihan go. Oh. She is so very cute. Cuter and cuter from day to day. Love. Hihi. Ah. I bought some 'ubi kayu' with 'sambal hijau' that I love most back with me. I ate it first with Ainun and Sue in my room. Ainun didn't really like the taste of the 'sambal hijau'. Eh. Not really the 'sambal hijau'. She said that it was just too spicy in her stomach. Haha. I don't care much. The most important is that I love it!

We had our project meeting at Dayah's and M's room after Isyak prayer at about 9.00p.m. We discussed more seriously. Hehe. I'm in the 'gee's group'! I can't wait to learn the new steps.

Ah. Got to go. More assignments wait for me behind. Hehe. Till then. =)


amirahsamat said...

sys ~
ad award utk kamu .=))

itisrajah said...

got it!
thanks,adik sayang!