Hehe. Ah. I went to the Perfect Clone at K9 with Fadh and Syaza. On our way back, Syaza were accidentally bumped onto a small snail. 'Siput babi' in English is what eh? Hehe. Pity that snail. Ukeh. The plastic bag that contained the project report was too heavy. This is because it is really thick. Thicker that my Database lab book. Hoho.

Late at night, I ate fried fries with M, Ainun, Fadh, and Pa'e. The fries were damn delicious but quite salty. I love. I love. ♥

Hem. Last thing is.. I just can't wait to finish up my 'Does My head Look Big In This' novel which I bought it from Popular bookstore at City Square last weekend. Oh. The novel is too thick. Eh. But my SE project report is thicker kot. Hehe. Anyway, I really enjoy reading the book. Hihi!

kem slam kt cik fad...
npe tak citer pasl kiter?
kiter p0wn mam kentang tgh mlm jgk ape????
sabik pom sbuk smcm je..
Ijam - haha.tuh la.mase makan2 kentang tuh ngumpat2 kau gak.haha.ukeh2.nt aku kem salam.
Chik - cerita kita cerita rahsia. =)
Aminx - sapo sabik weh?
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