Great technician busy repairing
He did his work very neat and smartAinun's DELL have been repaired by the cutest technician in Johor Bahru. Haha. He made Ainun's day more meaningful, kot? Haha. Memandai aku sje. But it was a great experienced to look at those pieces here and there. And after a time, all the pieces were back into one. A pink DELL laptop owned by Ainun herself. Once again, sorry Ainun. Sangat-sangat. Anyway, congratulations! Enjoy using your new LCD! =)
Focus watching
Ainun's DELL with a new LCD
Her happy face after her laptop got fixed.
ganas btol..
ainun la weh yg ganas!
ak pnye dell pn dh blank...
camne nk cntct teknisyen 2??..help2!!
orang2 - neh amir eh? hoho. apsal dell kau blank? nt aku tanye ainun cmne. orait? =)
btul la sy orgnya...
hehehehe...skema plak..
sje boring2 skodeng blog2 org...
jmpa plak ngan cte psl dell 2..
xtau la sbb ap..
tp kdg2 blank...kdg2 ok..
kt umah x ok...
smpai kdai ok plak..
orang2 - hoho. tuh ngade2 namenye. tgk tuan kot. haha.
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