aku pon baru tau tuh ari.
tym kelas english.
ms shalini yang bgtau, of course.
aku tatau nak terangkan ape kegunaannye.
sebab aku tatau sangat pon.
ape yang aku tau, ia bagus untuk student macam aku neh.
yang nak buat research ke.
gtu la.
bace la neh.
aku copy dari wiki.
tengok ape pendapat wiki tentang google scholar neh.
Google Scholar is a freely-accessible Web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers. It is similar in function to the freely-available Scirus from Elsevier, CiteSeerX, and getCITED. It is also similar to the subscription-based tools, Elsevier's Scopus and Thomson ISI's Web of Science. Its advertising slogan — "Stand on the shoulders of giants" — is a nod to the scholars who have contributed to their fields over the centuries, providing the foundation for new intellectual achievements.
tuh la dia.
paham ke tidak?
kalau yang paham tuh, elok la.
sejuk perut mak.
yang tak paham tuh?
g la mintak maap kat mak ye.
tak pon, tanye la sape-sape yang paham tuh.
best gak weh gunenye.
pencarian yang sangat baik.
google memang best la!
ranking google skang no 1, kan?
kalau tak silap la.
yang penting aku memang suke google.
sebab ia simple!

suke gak
aku pun suke..n aku pun br tau..
wafa - haha. bagus. at least we have something on common now. =)
daya - bagus. lepas neh senang sikit nak wat keje. copy and paste, of course.
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