jangan tanye yang mana satu sad girl tuh kalau tanak kena backhand, fine? ala don't worry. sad girl tuh tak sad mane pon. sad sebab gambar dia paling tak pretty among the other three pretty girls, obviously.
the sad girl should be really grateful, shouldn't her?
well well, it's time to make things clean and clear. no more terlalu bergantungan and no more buat hal sendiri macam da power gila ngan perjalanan hidup. kalau betul power pon, entah takat mane je la power tuh, ye tak?
aku memang suka mengarut bagi aku sorang je paham sebab aku memang tak berapa nak suka bagi orang lain paham. orang lain tak clear takpe. jangan aku yang tak clear.
p/s: i hope i could drive a car with a legal P license very soon! it's a looooong way to go!

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